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November 15, 2004

Local news: Gorilla Tango Comedy Theatre

The Albuquerque Journal reviews an evening at the Gorilla Tango Comedy Theatre: Comedy Stage for Fans of Improv, Stand Up

All of this unscripted nonsense comes to you via Dan Abbate. Back in Chicago in the late '80s, when most 9-year-olds were playing Pac Man, watching "The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles," or rocking the Transformers, Abbate was busy script acting at the Arie Crown Theater. He's a little more grown up at age 26, but now he's pretty much doing the same thing.

When he moved to Albuquerque with his family, Abbate was surprised to find no real improv community.

"If I was going to live here, I needed to have one," he recalls.

Posted by Fuzzy at November 15, 2004 06:16 PM


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