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October 24, 2002
Forty-Six Down, Four to Go
Long time readers of the this site will know that the maintainer is obsessed with finding an improv group in every state in the United States.
So thanks are due today to William McEvoy who sent me a link to the Poco Loco Players of New Mexico, bringing the improv-groupless states down to four: Arkansas, Idaho, Iowa, and South Dakota.
And what do you do if you have a group in one of those states but don't have a web page for me to point to? Set up a free page at Troupes.org. It's free, easy, and free.
(And hey, Canada, you don't get off that easy - the Yukon and the Northwest Territories I'll let slide because they're territories, but Prince Edward Island and Nunavut are provinces and had better get cracking.)
Posted by Fuzzy at October 24, 2002 5:44 PM