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June 30, 2004
Today I received both a press release for Crossballs, a new Comedy Central show that's "a new take on the traditional debate show format, where comedians pose as experts and debate real people who don't know the show is fake" and a report from a potential guest of the show who wised up, escaping "embarrassment and humiliation".
Update: a "guest" of the show reports: A debate in the wrong environment
Update 2: Wonkette on Crossballs
Update 3: Wonkette links to "the latest first person account of how faux shout show "Crossballs" got an honest pundit into a ridiculous exchange of meaningless ideas. Which has never happened before in the history of television. March, apparently unaware of the existence of "The O'Reilly Factor," appears to think he was duped into this..."
Comedy Central's Talking Boneheads [Wonkette]
"The Debate Show" Fiasco [Equal Rights for Carry Concealed Weapons]
Also, Variety reviews the show
And the Comedy Central official page for Crossballs has launched.
Posted by Fuzzy at June 30, 2004 2:47 PM