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July 13, 2004

Significant Others

Significant OthersBackstage West has another article focusing on improv actors on television, this one about Bravo's improvised sitcom Significant Others and the show's casting director, Francene Selkirk-Ackerman.

Look up almost any name from the cast and crew of Bravo's totally improvised sitcom, Significant Others, on IMDb (the industry equivalent to "Googling"), and you'll find some deceptively scant resumes. Although the half-hour show about couples in therapy marked a foray into television of its scale for many of the participants ... these "newcomers" typically come from years of experience on improv or standup stages, in the theatre, or, like Selkirk-Ackerman, in the commercial world.

"Significant" Skills [Backstage West]
Significant Others [Bravo]
Significant Others [IMDB]

Posted by Fuzzy at July 13, 2004 11:28 AM