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November 12, 2002

Gearing up

We've officially started work for a real run of The Neutrino Project. We'll be going up Saturdays at 10:30 in January and the first week of February at the WNEP Theater.

What do I mean by "work"? A whole bunch of things.

Have I mentioned we have a great cast and crew? We lost Russ LaChanse to New York (but I got his car!) and Zach, Andy, and Tim to other obligations. But we've picked up Lillie Frances, Phillip Mottaz, and Jen Shepard (and Adam Devlin-Brown is moving from running to camera-ing). Check out the full list on the main TNP page.

Last week was a remember what it's like to work together/meet the new people/remember how that video stuff works-kinda rehearsal. Tomorrow I've got a wacky rehearsal planned -- I'll post more after it's over.

Posted by Fuzzy at November 12, 2002 04:06 PM