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May 06, 2003
Cool As Smurf
Well, we made it. Eight bad movies. Eight hi-larious make-em-ups.
Cool As Ice. What can I say. Vanilla Ice had one hit and someone rushed him into this movie, which is (vaguely) a remake of Rebel Without a Cause. It's painfully obvious at various points in the movie that they really only had 70 minutes or so of story and they padded and padded.
Emily Dugan went above and beyond rapping as "Papa Smurf" (as Vanilla Ice became in our version). Everyone in the cast got to show off the talents that they've developed over the last two months. Todd Leibov rocked out with the Casio RapMaster and Ben funked out on the bass. And then we had cake.
This was the only movie in the Cinema 2.0 series that was not available on DVD. My friend Merrie loaned me her precious VHS copy to dub for the show. She also loaned us the Cool As Ice soundtrack for our house music. (Merrie, get help.) I also threw the Gourds' version of Gin and Juice and Ben Kweller's BK Baby into the mix.
And... it's not over! We're doing a special show over at WNEP Theater as part of their Around Midnite Series. Saturday, May 31, at midnight. It's only $5 and we'll probably be doing a Japanese giant monster movie, since we didn't include one of those in this run. (I was publicizing a different date for a short while, but this is now the correct date.)
Posted by Fuzzy at May 6, 2003 12:51 AM
How did you come up with this cool idea?
Posted by: JKPolk at May 13, 2003 04:32 PM
I need a soundtrack of "Cool As Ice" and I can't get it could you give me some adress when I can get it!!!!! thx
Posted by: Peter at August 25, 2003 03:46 AM