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November 04, 2003
Name Checked
In last Friday's Tribune review of "Job Opportunity" (a play that takes place in a car driving around the city) Chris Jones writes:
"Unlike most similar projects, 'Job Opportunity' has the effect of turning the whole city into a kind of creative backdrop. In that way, it's reminiscent of the fabulous 'Neutrino Project' (which just started a welcome new run at the Threepenny Theatre), a show wherein the actors improvise and then exhibit an entire movie, all in the space of an hour or so."
I'm excited that we're a standard against other projects are being compared. And we're fabulous! And I'm heart-broken that Mr. Jones thinks we 'just started' our run.
You have two more chances to see this fabulous, critically-acclaimed show.
Posted by Fuzzy at November 4, 2003 02:53 PM