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January 06, 2004
Suddenly Busy
A few days ago I was asked if I had any shows coming up. "Nope, not really," I said. Little did I know. Here's what's suddenly been added to my plate:
Bare has a show at Frankie J's (4437 N Broadway) this Saturday night at 10:30 pm. Normally, Shaun and I try to be good about sticking around to see the other groups perform, but we were a last-minute addition to the schedule, so we both have to leave right after we perform to get to our other committment... The Sickest F***in' Stories I Ever Heard, at its new location, Lakeshore Theater.
Also, this week Chicago Sketch Fest starts and on Monday, January 12, at 8 pm I'm going to be a part of OctaSketch, a sketch version of the 24 Hour Plays. And then next Sunday, a show I'm directing (again), Fratricide, goes up at Sketch Fest.
And tonight I'm going to a callback for a show that should have me busy with rehearsals through March. If I get cast, of course. If I don't get cast, expect me to quietly never mention this exchange ever again. "Show? What show?"
Posted by Fuzzy at January 6, 2004 05:19 PM