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November 18, 2004
Ruining my stories
A variation of this keeps happening to me with friends I haven't seen in a while -- I'll run into someone on the train and start to share a story of some cool thing that happened to me recently and they'll interupt because they've read it here on FuzzyCo. By sharing my stories with strangers, I'm ruining them for telling to my friends in person. And what am I without stories. Nothing, I tell you, nothing.
Posted by Fuzzy at November 18, 2004 10:32 AM
Yes, but for those of us that rarely see you anymore, it's good. Because by the time we see you, you have new exciting tales.
Posted by: Megan at November 18, 2004 10:06 PM
And now, should you attempt to tell someone about this phenomenon, and find they have already read about it on your website, a black hole of logic will be created and the universe destroyed. Nice going, fz.
Posted by: myp six at November 24, 2004 9:44 PM