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January 28, 2005
Damn Andy Ihnatko to H-E-double-hockey-sticks
This is a hard choice?
Damn Andy Ihnatko, 17th most beloved technology pundit, for proving to me how much of a geek I am.
Today, Andy described a 1954 movie which, evidently, contains the most erotic moments on film, ever, and gave us the heads up that it would be on Turner Classic Movies this evening at 5:30 PM (EST).
And my first thought was, "but that's when I have the Tivo set to record the World Juggling Federation competition on ESPN2."
Sigh. Whatever pretentions I make to urbanity and suaveness, and when push comes to shove I can't decide between sex and juggling.
And then I remembered that Shaun has a Tivo, too, and I could tell it, over the internet, to record the movie, and then later transfer it over our home network to my Tivo. Which is it's own whole set of geekiness.
I am doomed.
Posted by Fuzzy at January 28, 2005 10:45 AM