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February 22, 2005
Music meme
- Total amount of music files on your computer:
According to iTunes: 34474 songs, 106.3 days, 165.02 GB. I just completed merging my collections from 3 different harddrives, so there's probably 10 GBs or so of duplicate songs in there that I need to weed out (thanks iTunes' Show Duplicate Songs feature). - The last CD you bought was:
Andrew Bird's The Mysterious Production of Eggs. (Lemon Jelly's '64-'95 and Latyrx's Album came in the same box from Amazon, but The Mysterious Production of Eggs was the last one I added to the shopping cart.) - What is the song you last listened to before reading this message?
Hmm... here I'll have to confess that I read this meme a few days ago and saved a draft post with the questions until I had a few minutes to get around to answering it. Before sitting down to write this, the last song I heard was Sarah Hudson's "Girl on the Verge," from Epsiode 4 of Project Runway, where they design a rock-star outfit, because Erica and I were catching up on the early episodes we'd missed before the big finale on Wednesday. - Write down 5 songs you often listen to or that mean a lot to you.
- "Romper Stomper" -- Dogrocket. My friend Phil, of Ruth Buzzy, recorded an album and a half of nifty cut-and-paste-and-sample songs that I just keep listening to over and over. I love them all, but I've used Romper Stomper in a couple of video projects because it's so upbeat.
- "1999" -- Asylum Street Spankers. "Life is just a party and parties weren't meant to last."
- "Low And Sweet" -- Green Keepers. Sometimes a song, usually a cheerful one like this one, just gets stuck in my head and I listen to it over and over over. A sweet little electro-swing number.
- "Jump Around" -- House of Pain. This is the official Bare theme song, partly because it's one of the few songs Shaun and I can agree on.
- "I Only Have Eyes For You" -- Lester Bowie's Brass Fantasy. I think this is my favorite song ever. The way it builds. The slow, sassy, subtle horns. Damn. I put it on just now and the first 30 seconds just get me, and then it keeps going and building for 10 minutes more.
- P.S. You can see all what I've actually been listening to on my AudioScrobber profile.
- Who are you going to pass this stick to? (3 persons) and why?
We have to pass it off? Umm... Kittyloaf, because she's my meme-buddy. And Erica, because she cares about music a lot. And, umm... everyone on the Chicago Metroblog, for no reason at all. Whew.
[saw it via Warren Ellis, did it after I saw it at Laurenn McCubbin]
Posted by Fuzzy at February 22, 2005 3:00 AM
oooh...a challenge.. I accept.
1. 164 songs, 10.1 hours currently, but ever changing
2.the soundtrack of Mystery Train-- chocked full of John Lurie goodness
3. the whole cd of The Mysterious Production of Eggs, because I have listened to it 3 times already today. So Yeah, right now, Sovay is playing.
4.a) "With You There To Help Me"--Jethro Tull. This is my favorite song of all time
b) "Thanks, That Was Fun"--Barenaked Ladies off of Disc One, All Their Greatest Hits
c) Currently, "Measuring Cups" off Mysterious Production of Eggs by Andrew Bird. You know, this cd is so incredible, that it makes you look at the buildings on the streets you walk down everyday and actually see them and their beauty for the first time.
d)"Dirrrty" Christina Aguilera off Unstripped. Classic good times.
e) "Rising Sign"--Mike Doughty off of Skiddish. Excellent.
f) Ok, and everything else that I have--I get mega obsessive over songs, and I listen to them on repeat for months at a time, till a new song/ album takes over.
5. I pass this off to my lovely brother, christopher
Posted by: erica at February 22, 2005 1:08 PM
wow, i'm so jealous of that collection. 103 days? damn.
i have a mere (and yet my ipod is almost full?) 4790 songs, 13 days, 22.87 GB. I know I have some duplicates too, but I didn't know about that find duplicates feature. I'll have to check that out. The last CD I bought was "IndependentChicago," a local compilation CD. The last song I just listened to was "The Kiss" by the Cure. 5 songs that mean a lot to me? Man, I don't know. Only 5? Um, this week, it's that list I just posted onto metblogs from bands that'll be at the metro thursday. and one more of any of the new black songs to make it 5. who will i pass this on to? no one, not a big meme guy. in fact, i don't even know why i just answered this, except that i'm another music freak, obviously.
Posted by: tom at February 22, 2005 4:54 PM
where is this "show duplicate songs" feature of which you speak? is it only in version 4.7.1? (cus i never upgraded from 4.7)
Posted by: tom at February 23, 2005 2:46 PM
It's under the "Edit" menu. I thought it was a 4.7 feature, but I have 4.7.1, so I can't say for sure.
Posted by: Fuzzy Gerdes at February 24, 2005 9:01 AM