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May 22, 2005
originally posted on Metroblogging Chicago
There's a hoooge Jay Ryan downtown at Ohio and Wabash. As with most Jay Ryans, it makes me happy just to look at it. It's an ad for ConverseGallery.com and I went there to see if there were more Jay Ryan images, but there were none -- it's all some sort of short film competition. But the good news is that it reminded me to check out The Bird Machine, which was great news because it turns out that all the liner art Jay Ryan did for Andrew Bird's latest album is now available as a set of 14 posters. And now I'm sad, because it's a limited edition set of posters and now that I've told you about them, you're going to go buy them all before I have an extra $200 to get a set.
Posted by Fuzzy at May 22, 2005 11:10 PM