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November 16, 2005
OK Go at Schubas
Thanks to Cherie, Erica and I totally lucked into a free* OK Go show at Schubas (with Detroit's Tiny Steps opening). I took a bunch of photos. We were 6 feet in front the stage (which is why there aren't any pictures of the whole band -- I was too close) and right in front of Damian (which why there are so few pictures of Dan -- he was hidden behind Damian crotch for most the show**).
OK Go will be playing a regular buy-your-tickets show at the Metro on Friday (11/18). I have to say that they put on a heck of a show. I also heartily recommend the Audio Play that they've been periodically running on their blog.
* Sponsored by Lacoste (who supply the band's shirts) and Jane Magazine. Thanks, corporate music sponsors.
** It was a little disconcerting -- Damian would leave the center spot to go do something and I'd be looking through the view finder, focusing on Dan's face, and all of a sudden I'd be staring at a magnified Damian-crotch. Eek.
Posted by Fuzzy at November 16, 2005 5:19 PM