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January 25, 2006


I a) read a lot of books, b) read a lot standing on the train holding my book open with one hand, c) like gadgets, and d) am not afraid to look like a fool. And yet, despite those four factors, I'm not sure I could/would ever use the Thumbthing. It's just a little too dorky even for me.

(via Cool Hunting)

Posted by Fuzzy at January 25, 2006 11:13 AM


It's kind of useless without something to brace the back of it. I'm a little more bothered by my paperbacks not lying even close to flat when they're spread open like that.

If I invented this companion thing, I would collapse into a singularity of dorkness.

Posted by: Dan Telfer [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 25, 2006 11:43 AM

The thing that braces the back of it is your other 4 fingers.

Posted by: Fuzzy Gerdes [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 25, 2006 12:01 PM

Then I guess I have an exceptional thumb and my fingers are for crap.

Posted by: Dan Telfer [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 25, 2006 12:12 PM

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