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March 6, 2006

Four Things About Chicago

This is a little odd, since I just did the making-the-regular-rounds one of these, but I saw that Sean had morphed it for LA, so I wanted to do the same for my little town.

4 Things About Chicago

Four Jobs I've Had In My Life in Chicago:
Event Photographer
Network Analyst and Graphics Technology Specialist
Video Editing Assistant

Four Movies About Chicago I Could Watch Over And Over:
Adventures in Babysitting
Blues Brothers
Ferris Beuller's Day Off

Four Places I've Lived All Over Chicago:
Kenmore and Winona (Uptown)
Damen and Cornelia (Roscoe Village)
Winthrop and Ardmore (Edgewater)
Winthrop and Ardmore (Edgewater) (yes, this is a different place)

Four Chicago-Themed Shows I Love(d) To Watch:
Cupid (it had promise)
ER (the first two seasons I was addicted)
Good Times
Talkin' Funny

Four Places I Would Vacation At In Chicago:
The Art Institute
In a hotel, downtown
The lakefront

Four Chicago-Based Websites I Visit Daily:
Chicago Metblog
Gapers Block

Four Of My Favorite Foods Found In Chicago:
late night pork tacos (Burrito Mexicana)
rib eye sandwich (Harrigan's)
sausages (Hot Doug's)
scrambled eggs, pork chop, grits, raisin toast - buttered (Little Corner Restaurant)

Four Places In Chicago I Would Rather Be Right Now:
at home, on the couch, with my baby
on stage at the Playground
sitting in Metropolis, reading

Four Chicago Bloggers Tagged:
Adam Witt
Bilal Dardai [done]
Don Hall [done]
Lauren Liss [done]

Posted by Fuzzy at March 6, 2006 5:37 PM



I can't think of things about Detroit, but I could probably follow suit with the Chicago meme.

Posted by: Chuck Charbeneau [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 6, 2006 7:18 PM

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