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September 25, 2006

Back in the Saddle

Erica and I both took off from performing in the months leading up to our wedding and it was only just this weekend that we got back into the swing of things. Erica did Don't Spit the Water (which got a write-up in The Bastion) while I was out in the suburbs doing the shows at the CCC Theater. Then I raced back into town so we could do Gerdes & Reid at the Belmont Burlesque Revue. The short story is, "we still got it."

I'll be back out at CCC this weekend, and Erica will be doing DSTW again in a couple of weeks.

Posted by Fuzzy at September 25, 2006 6:05 PM


Hi! One of the Bastion girls here...just wanted to say that Cutie Bumblesnatch, AKA Erica, was brilliant. Love the tutu and the dullen expression.

Posted by: BellaRossa [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 2, 2006 8:28 AM

Oops, of course I meant "sullen."

Posted by: BellaRossa [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 3, 2006 8:30 PM

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