Fast Forward

I'm burning the DVD right now to go turn in -- this may be the earliest I've finished one of these. And it's been an easy process.

Last night Erica and I had a lovely evening shopping at Rotofugi and having a bite to eat at Cleo's and then picked up our topic ("First Kiss") and Dan Hendricks' as well (his Fast Forward plan involved drinking to celebrate his birthday and then filming under the influence). We met up with Dan and his friends and Shaun at Hopleaf, and then Shaun, Erica and I brainstormed as we walked back home. Jin and Kristen came over, we were done filming by midnight or so, so Erica and I went home and watched this week's America's Next Top Model. What a weird judging...

So this morning I got up later than I wanted to (10 AMish) but I had a first edit done by noon, took that over to Ben Taylor's house where he composed and recorded an original score, came back to add the music into the mix, final tweaks, and the DVDs (gotta have a backup) are done now and so I'm off to turn in our movie.

Come see our short (and 24 others) at Open End Gallery (2000 W Fulton) tonight. (Or, you know, I'll probably have it up on the web on Monday or so).