Ted McGillicutty, Man of Action

When I started my little vodcast (Video-pODCAST) back in November, I thought I'd be posting a short film a week, since I planned to just start by working my way through the FuzzyCo back catalog. Well, it's May and this is the fourth film I've posted. Oh well.

But to get things started back up, here's FuzzyCo's hit -- Ted McGillicutty, Man of Action.

We filmed Ted back in January 2003 for the Fast Forward Film Festival. You can read the entire story of making the movie here. Since that time, Ted has been selected by the producers of the Fast Forward for their Producers' Choice DVD, won an award at the Chicago Really Short Film Festival, been shown on WTTW's Image Union and screened at the Music Box Theatre as part of Image Union's Short Film Showcase, and was a semi-finalist in the Second City Shortcuts Film Festival.

Anyway, here's Ted ...

Click to play 10 MB Quicktime movie - requires Quicktime 7. (You can also right-click here to download the movie.)

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