One Man Scene
Heather Elam Bio

HEATHER ELAM received a B.A. in Theatre from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio with a focus in Stage Management and Directing. Since 1999 she has been GayCo Productions' Company Stage Manager, stage-managing their last six home revues and seven touring gigs. Other Chicago stage management experience includes Celeste Pechous' one-woman show Frozen Angel, also In Technicolor and Two White Guys at ImprovOlympic and a production of Rhinoceros at National Pastime Theatre. Recently Heather has also been seen doing some stage combat with both, the women of Babes with Blades at The Lesbian Arts Festival and in Sulacco Productions' The True Deadliest Game of Death: A Kung Fu Musical and The Shadow of the Master: A Kung Fu Musical Sequel. Heather has also written and directed Children's Theatre and was a camp director at a theatre camp for children ages 4-12. Currently Heather is also stage-managing On the Verge of Caring at The Cornservatory. Heather has experience as a full time Nanny, an Administrative Assistant for a well established Psychic and Spiritual Teacher, and as an Assistant Directoress in a Montessori classroom.

One Man Seen | Reviews | Andy Eninger | Gary Ruderman | Heather Elam

Questions about FuzzyCo may be directed to Fuzzy Gerdes,