First Eventé Rehearsal

Well, Armando is here and we jumped right in (in fact, we jumped in so fast that we realized at break that Armando and the 3 who didn't make it on Saturday didn't know everyone's name).

Armando described a process (learn some of the tools of the form, start a rough approximation of the form, and then begin to tweak the form) that I thought was a decription of the week, but was actually a description of the night. After just some warm up two person scenes, we worked on seeing an event from different perspectives, and then on seeing different scenes that could be scenes that would happen before an event. We added in the technique of swinging doors to give background info about characters in these pre-event scenes (a swinging door is a brief tag-out that plays a little scene-let and then returns the tagged character back into their original scene). Then we took 3 different pre-event scenes and ran them right up to just before the event would occur. And then that was 3 hours.

We got a lot done tonight. I was a little surprised at how tentative people were about editing and such tonight. Is it because we don't know each other very well yet (oh, I wish we had done some scenes Saturday) or shyness around Armando or are people just tired or what? As a cast member, all I can do is do my best, but as a producer I want the show to be really good so I don't lose money (did I mention the part about Shaun and I spending our own money on this - that's what 'producing' means). I ordered postcards tonight (from RocketPostcards -- thanks to Sandy for finding out about them, they're fast AND cheap).