Two weekends ago was my uncle's wedding in Northwest Indiana, this last weekend was Erica's aunt's wedding in Southeast Indiana. Weird, huh?
Anyway, Indiana doesn't do Daylight Saving Time. Except in some of the corners where it does. And Vevay is in a corner. So when we got to Madison, where our hotel was, we asked at the check-in what time it was in Vevay. "They're an hour ahead, so it's 6:30."
Eeek! The wedding was at 7:00! So we threw on our wedding clothes and jumped in the car for the 20 mile drive to Vevay. We got there just at 7:05 and ran into Mo's Steakhouse. We pushed our way past the long line of people waiting for seats and asked a server at the front counter, "we're here for the wedding?"
"The wedding?"
"This is Mo's Steakhouse, right?"
"Do you have a banquet room or something?"
"Janice, do we have a banquet room?"
Mo's, it must be noted, is a good-sized place, but not that big. Fortunately, Janice did know that they had a banquet room, and even how to get there.
And it was 6:15. Vevay, despite the assurances of our hotel clerk, is on "slow time". The groom found us as we were headed into the banquet room. "I'm just hanging out here to catch fast-time people who are showing up early." Fast-time and slow-time, it turns out, are appended to times like the TV always says "10 PM Eastern (9 Central)". As in, "I'd better get home soon, because I have to be at work tomorrow morning at 6 AM Fast-time."
The rest of the wedding is in the picture set.