Jeanne and Jeff's wedding

First Dance

This past weekend Erica and I took a roadtrip to Cleveland, Ohio to attend the wedding of my sister Jeanne Clair to Jeff Schwarz. It was great to be together with the whole family, which won't happen again for a while, because Disco took off right after the wedding to go live in Buenos Aires for nine months.

Friday night the rehearsal dinner was at The Boneyard, where we learned that Amelia is great at DDR and Jake is quite the Arctic Thunder driver. After that broke up, Disco took us out to the Lakewood Masonic Temple to see the Boilermaker Jazz Band and do a little dancing.

Saturday the wedding and reception were held at the Western Reserve Historical Society and Crawford Auto-Aviation Museum, which explains all the airplanes and cars in the background of all the pictures. I'll admit I got a little teary-eyed when Jeanne came walking down the aisle. But to distract you from that, I'll talk about my bow tie.

Neither Disco nor I were standing up in the wedding, but he convinced me that we should wear our tuxedos (we have them, after all). I have plenty of ties, and even a clip-on bow tie that came with my $10 tux, but I decided that it was really important that I get a real bow tie for my tie. Erica picked one up for a reasonable price at Monitor down on Wilson and Clark. They gave her a photocopy of instructions on how to tie it, but we didn't bother to look at it until we were on the way to the wedding. Bow ties are impossible to tie! I tried, and failed, to tie the tie based on those directions. But Erica took the tie and figured out how to tie it based simply on "it needs to look like this, so this needs to go there". And then when we got to the wedding she managed to get it tied on me the same way. My wife is so awesome!