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July 21, 2006
Southeastern Comedy Arts Alliance
Several groups in Tennessee, Mississippi, and Alabama have started the Southeastern Comedy Arts Alliance and are inviting other groups in the region to join them. The organization will be holding the Southeastern Comedy Arts Festival on September 29-30, 2006, at Mississippi State University. Complete details after the jump...
James Comans writes:
Hi. I am contacting you on behalf of the Southeastern Comedy Arts Alliance.
My name is James Comans, and I'm the managing director of Lab Rats Comedy in Starkville, MS.
We've been doing improv and sketch stuff for almost four years and we've recently become involved in a push to form an alliance of like-minded performers from anywhere in the southeast, for the purpose of helping each other out, both by scholarly means and by means of helping each other grow in publicity however possible.
We really would like for as many groups to get involved on this ground floor level, because right now, membership is absolutely free.
Right now, we're just a collection of improv groups in Tennessee, Mississippi, and Alabama who want to help get the word out about comedy in this area, but we know that soon the alliance will span across many more southeastern states.
There will be a Southeastern Comedy Arts Festival on September 29-30, 2006, at Mississippi State University. It will feature workshops, networking opportunities, and competitions in standup, sketch, and improv. Heck, if for nothing else, it will be great because somebody's going to go home to their fans being able to claim being the CHAMPIONS of the SOUTHEASTERN COMEDY ARTS FESTIVAL. Try putting that on your promos! The rights to host the 2007 Festival are still up for grabs, but you'll have to attend the festival this year to make a bid.
Well, basically, the first step of what we need is
- The official name of whatever organization(s) you want to be affiliated,
- Downloadable logo(s) we can use for your organization(s), on the website (if you have it),
- A brief description of the organization(s), including home base and any member stats you could offer, plus anything else you want said,
- A contact person & information for further info (if it's not you).
- Any important dates or information you want out for people to know about you.
Basically, that will give us something to put up to get things started, and we'll probably expand the website features later on.
Also, any comments on SECAA itself that you think might help it run better would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
And if you would like me to go ahead and send you info on the festival, just
email me back a snailmail address and it'll be in the mail ASAP. (Got ya covered.)
Thank you very much,
James Comans
Managing Director
Lab Rats Comedy
Starkville, MS
Posted by Fuzzy at July 21, 2006 4:09 PM