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April 2007 Archives

April 1, 2007


Okami is, if nothing else, the most gorgeous video game I've ever played. It's based in Japanese folk tales and the entire game is in a brushwork style. There's a lot I could say, but I think the 93 score on Metacritic says most of it. Awesome game.

April 2, 2007

Transcending CSS: The Fine Art of Web Design

Transcending CSS: The Fine Art of Web Design by Andy Clarke

There's code here and there on FuzzyCo that goes back to 1994 or so, when I built my first webpage by hand and hosted it on my personal account on schenectady.ecn.purdue.edu (try typing that five times fast). And HTML 1.1 served me just fine for the next 10 years. Right around the time that I would have probably needed to really dive in and modernize things around here, I moved much of the site over to MovableType, which took care of enough that I could put it off for a little bit longer. But there are things I want to do with FuzzyCo that are going to require that I get up to, say, 2003 web design standards. So I'm slowly getting up to speed on the current state of web design.

This book is not a beginner's how-to level book to CSS, and so I didn't understand half of how I would actually implement the examples given. But I really glad I read it first, because it gave me a lot of great ideas about how to approach the workflow of redesigning my site(s), rather than just diving in and replicating my old tables structure with a bunch of divs and calling it a day.

April 6, 2007

Ninja Warrior

Kate and Dan, why didn't you tell us about Ninja Warrior? It's your job to scout us crazy Japanese stuff like this! But thanks to the Telfer-Kallays' description and a single epsiode from Tivo, we're hooked on this slice of insanity.

On Ninja Warrior, one hundred contestants try to make it through an incredibly difficult obstacle course. But they're not all athletes -- they're comedians and dancers and gas station owners, too. And they all wear the outfit for what they normally do.

The show is on it's 18th season in Japan, and I think we're seeing the 17th season on G4. I think I could watch all 18 seasons.

April 9, 2007

Batman Begins

Batman Begins (2005)

After so many cartoony Batman movies, it was great to have a -- I almost said "realistic", but we are still talking about a guy in a bat suit -- thoughful one. With actual, if brief, character growth. Erica and I agree that there could have been a lot more of Bruce Wayne learning his skills. But overall, quite a good superhero movie.


TMNT (2007)

I would have been impressed if this was three episodes of a Saturday morning cartoon, but it just didn't feel like it was worth a movie. Oh, and, hey, movie, we get it. "Family is important." Thanks.

And does the first "T" now stand for Twenty-something? These guys are old. Hmm... they have MySpace pages, maybe they are still teenagers.

(Anything you found amusing in this post, Erica came up with it.)

April 15, 2007


Comedian is one of Erica's favroite movies and I needed a movie tonight that I could listen to more than watch, because I needed to do some computer work. The computer work fell by the wayside as I was drawn into the rhythm of this documentary. I didn't learn as much about the craft as I thought I might, and Orny Adams bugs the hell out of me, but it's still a fascinating movie.

April 23, 2007

Rude Mechanicals

Now that I've started running, I'm trying out listening to audiobooks. The first one I listened to is Rude Mechanicals by Kage Baker, released as free audiobook by Subterranean Press.

The book is in Baker's "Company" series, about time-traveling immortal cyborgs, but this one is a stand-alone comedic adventure, set in 1930s Hollywood. It was delightfully read by Mary Robinette Kowal.

April 30, 2007

Heaven - Season One

Heaven - Season One by Mur Lafferty was recommended by Boing Boing and I listened to it as an audiobook over the course of a couple runs and bike rides to work. By chapter 8 I was not very interested, but I kept going just to finish the narrative. Which, as you might expect from a book subtitled "Season One", ended on something of a cliffhanger, so I wasn't even satisfied there.

FuzzyCo rating: eh.

About April 2007

This blog chronicles, in nigh-obsessive detail, the books I've read, the video games I've played, and the movies and TV I've watched. It's part of the larger FuzzyCo empire, where you can find out way too much about my life and work.

This page contains all entries posted to Fuzzy's Media Consumption in April 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

March 2007 is the previous archive.

May 2007 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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