The Wire - Season 1
It only took pretty much everyone whose opinion I respect recommending The Wire as "the best show on television, ever", or some variation thereof, before I decided to watch it. And, yes, it turns out, for dramas, it is.
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It only took pretty much everyone whose opinion I respect recommending The Wire as "the best show on television, ever", or some variation thereof, before I decided to watch it. And, yes, it turns out, for dramas, it is.
"Erica made me watch" is my only defense, but I watched tonight's finale episode on my own while she was in Mississippi. Oh, it's trash, but it's such delightful trash that plays so well at aping the fashion industry.
The Office is one of the few programs that we absolutely have to watch every week, and usually within a few hours of when it was actually on TV (thanks, TiVo). This third season was awesome. Done and done.
We saw Grindhouse at the Brew and View, which I think might have been the perfect place to have the kind of complete experience that Rodriguez and Tarantino were trying to create with this movie. I enjoyed both halves, but I really appreciated the layers that Tarantino brought to Death Proof.
Hot Fuzz is the same creative team behind Shaun of the Dead applying that same treatment they gave zombie movies (half-reverent, half-mocking) to cop buddy flicks.
The result is both hilarious and exhilarating. Team Gerdes gives it an A+.
Erica and I finished up the third season, and hence all of, Black Books tonight. It's not quite the marathon it might sound like as it's the standard Britcom 6-episode season. We're really sad that these 18 episodes are all we'll ever see of misanthropic Bernard Black, flighty Manny, and self-absorbed Fran and their improbable adventures in Bernard's book shop. However, we rest assured that we'll see these actors again since it seems there are really only 6 or 7 actors working in Britcoms (at least, judging by the number of times Simon Pegg, say, pops up in other productions).
This blog chronicles, in nigh-obsessive detail, the books I've read, the video games I've played, and the movies and TV I've watched. It's part of the larger FuzzyCo empire, where you can find out way too much about my life and work.
This page contains all entries posted to Fuzzy's Media Consumption in May 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.
April 2007 is the previous archive.
June 2007 is the next archive.
Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.