
PC Archives

August 28, 2007

This sub-blog is OVER

It was a fun little experiment, but I've folded the content from Fuzzy's Media Consumption back into the main FuzzyCo blog and new updates will appear there, mixed in with regular posts.

March 21, 2007


F.E.A.R. (or rather, F.E.A.R.: First Encounter Assault Recon, to use its rather histronic full name) is the first first-person-shooter I've played in quite a while, let alone finished. I liked the emphasis on mood and atmosphere over action -- I did my share of firing at shadows in the course of the game. And I certainly didn't miss a crazy final boss battle -- there are plenty of games I've 98% completed, except for some crazy final boss battle. My only complaint was that it seemed a bit short -- I finished it in 5 sessions, none of which was more than 4 hours.

About PC

This blog chronicles, in nigh-obsessive detail, the books I've read, the video games I've played, and the movies and TV I've watched. It's part of the larger FuzzyCo empire, where you can find out way too much about my life and work.

This page contains an archive of all entries posted to Fuzzy's Media Consumption in the PC category. They are listed from oldest to newest.

Nintendo DS is the previous category.

PS2 is the next category.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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