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Playing in a band is a multi-faceted endeavor. It provides me with a venue to share ideas musical and otherwise. It allows me to be a part of group that is producing something instead of consuming something. In this band I am pushed and encouraged to grow beyond my current capabilties. I am accepted for my songs that I contribute. I am graciously and patiently accepted when the songs or musical ideas I contribute stink! I am given a place to be myself. This band has value to me beyond the music or our external acceptance by others. The relationships the band provides me with are very important and the music we create gives us a focus that we keep coming back to. Our musical ideas are abundant, appealing, fertile and stimulating.
Being in this band gets me out of the house, it shows my sons and others that being artistically creative has value and can be done at all life stages. This band provides one more important area in my life that takes the focus off of just myself and I am happier because of it. And when all is said and done, the band also gives me an opportunity to drink beer.

Matt Molenaar plays drums in Ruth Buzzy.

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