
November 18, 2007

Buzzy on Q101 tonight

Hey ho - Buzzy (sans Paul) recorded an (awesome) interview for the Local 101 show with (the extremely nice) Chris Payne (who bought us pizza and beer afterwards) last night. It's (totally) awesome. Totally.

He'll play (one or more) tunes off the new record, hawk our (upcoming record-release) show, and (hopefully not bleep out the best parts of) our interview.

Listen in, all y'all in the Chicagoland Area. Anybody outta town? Web it up!

"Samantha" James Kamp (deep cut, yo)

P.S. Did I mention an upcoming record release show, now just 2 weeks away, November 24th at Hotti Biscotti, 3545 W. Fullerton? With cake and prizes? Hmm. I should have.

P.P.S. Our new record is really growing on me. I had almost forgotten, but it's not half bad. You should listen to it. Really. Check it out on the myspace.

September 24, 2007

Music Video Shoot

Hey, Ruth Buzzy webmaster Fuzzy Gerdes here -- I'm shooting a music video for the band this weekend and we need a small crowd to be "the people in the bar" and I'd love for you, hardcore Ruth Buzzy fan, to be one of those people.

The shoot is Sunday, September 30 at the Town Hall Pub (3340 N Halsted, Chicago). I'll be shooting crowd scenes from 3-6, so that's when I could really use you.

I'm going for something of a "timeless" feel for the crowd, so please wear clothes that aren't very modern or period-specific.

There are spots for a couple of "featured players" who will interact with the main character of the video. In usual FuzzyCo practice, I won't be casting those parts ahead of time, but simply grabbing people as needed.

If you can come, please shoot me an email so I have an idea of about how many people we're going to have.

September 25, 2006


We've bowed to the dominant paradigm and Ruth Buzzy now has a MySpace page. There's not much there yet, but please add the band as your MySpace Friend™ and we'll tell you about shows in yet another place. Awesome? Awesome.

November 23, 2005

Photo shoot

Ruth Buzzy

I did a photo shoot last week with the guys. They've made their picks for the front page and the press photo, but I've made a gallery of some of my favorite shots.

September 29, 2005

We are the Light of the World

Matt writes:

Ruth Buzzy has been hard at work in Wicker Park with our friend Lance Reynolds once again at the recording helm. We recorded 16 songs this past week for our third CD (just the basic tracks. i.e. no vocals or guitar solo overdubs). One of the songs was a Catholic Hymn called We are the Light of the World. A guy named Rich Seng asked us to record the song for a compilation he is putting out where all the songs are Catholic hymns played by rock bands. Everything is sounding really good so far. We hope to cut the tracks down to 10-12 songs for the album which will be out on Veronica Records hopefully by winter time.

January 1, 2005

News from Matt

Matt writes:

Hey happy new year.

Buzzy recently got word that the January issue of Illinois Entertainer has Mission Statement listed as one of the best local releases of 2004. Pretty neato!

Phil is due to get back from the Netherlands today. We are getting some cover songs together for Paul's wedding at the end of this month. After that I hope it's back to "normal" because Paul is now healed up and able to play again! We are all hoping to get into the studio to put out our best music ever. Will it be finished in 2005? Let's hope so.



News from Matt

Matt writes:

Hey happy new year.

Buzzy recently got word that the January issue of Illinois Entertainer has Mission Statement listed as one of the best local releases of 2004. Pretty neato!

Phil is due to get back from the Netherlands today. We are getting some cover songs together for Paul's wedding at the end of this month. After that I hope it's back to "normal" because Paul is now healed up and able to play again! We are all hoping to get into the studio to put out our best music ever. Will it be finished in 2005? Let's hope so.



August 2, 2004

Give Paul Kamp the Finger

More details of the Give Paul Kamp the Finger benefit have been released:

Saturday, September 11th (eek!), 10 pm at Martyrs' (3855 N Lincoln). $15 donation at the door.

The line up so far includes:

Busker Soundcheck members Chris Klein & Dan Sopher with guest guitarists


Dyslexic Apaches (reunion)

Gringo Starr

Led Zeppelin live experience

Ruth Buzzy

Snaklab All-Tsars



The Artist Formally Known As Vince

and as many guests and surprises as time will allow.

Every band will be playing a Busker Soundcheck song in their own style. If you can't make the show and still want to help out, you can contact Dan Sopher at

August 1, 2004


Phil writes:

About a week and a half ago, Paul, who fixes boats for some extra cash, had a hatch close on his left index finger. He lost most of the top of the finger as it was smashed under the heavy hatch. You might think, "whew! Good thing he's a righty," which would be true but he's also a guitarist in three bands. Those fingers on the left hand are very much needed. Paul will play again but it may not be for a long time. Oof. This puts our Ruth Buzzy plans on indefinite hold while Paul heals.

Friends of Paul are putting together a show at Martyrs' on September 11th (the least happy day of the year) with the proceeds going to help Paul with medical costs. Matt and I are enlisting an old friend Ryan to learn several RB songs on bass to play that show and the following one with you in Lansing later in the month. Beyond that, we don't know what's going to happen.