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December 2, 2008
Twelve Tips for Opening Your Own Improv Venue
Dan Izzo, who opened and ran the (late) Michigan venue Improv Inferno, offers 12 tips for opening your own improv venue (though the advice is broad enough that applies to most any sort of comedy club or theater:
9. DON'T COMPETE ON PRICE. Compete on the quality of your shows. People don't buy iPhones because they're cheap. They buy them because they're good and do what they promise, and do it well. You've got to price the show reasonably, but will people come see a show because it's cheap? No they come because it's funny, or a friend told them it about it. Give them a good show and you can charge what a movie charges, or possibly in the range of a traditional theater.
Posted by Fuzzy at December 2, 2008 3:58 PM