Drunk Monkeys - Episode 67 - Vincent Van Gogh PBJ Vodka.
It’s the second of two episodes we filmed live at the 2013 Chicago Women’s Funny Fest. Jen and Erica are trying Vincent Van Gogh PB&J Vodka. That’s right, Peanut Butter and Jelly-flavored vodka.
Drunk Monkeys - Episode 63 - Smirnoff Fluffed Marshmallow Vodka.
Jen and Erica pay a visit to the sweet-side of vodka-land with Smirnoff Fluffed Marshmallow Vodka.
Drunk Monkeys - Episode 61 - Alaska Distillery Fireweed Vodka.
This week Jen and Erica are trying another Alaska Distillery vodka, this one flavored with Fireweed. Disclosure: the bottle was sent to us by Alaska Distillery.
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Drunk Monkeys - Episode 56 - Loopy.
Live from the 2013 Chicago Sketch Fest at Stage 773, Jen and Erica are trying Loopy, a “tropical-fruit” flavored vodka from Three Olives that bears more than a passing resemblance to Fruit Loops cereal.
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Drunk Monkeys - Episode 55 - Nemiroff Honey Pepper Vodka.
Here’s the second episode we filmed live at the Chicago Sketch Fest. This time, Jen and Erica are drinking Nemiroff Honey Pepper Vodka, a gift from Erica’s old boss.
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Drunk Monkeys - Episode 54 - Dude Vodka.
Season 8 of Drunk Monkeys was taped in front of a live studio audience. We’ve got four episodes filmed at Stage 773 during Chicago Sketch Fest and then two from a special evening we had at Watershed. In this first episode, Jen and Erica are drinking Dude Lemon-Lime Flavored Vodka from Three Olives.
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Drunk Monkeys - Episode 53 - Cocktail Time - Loaded Baked Potato.
What we call a “season” of this show is filmed all in one night and just released as separate episodes. So if I say that this is the last episode of Season 7, our longest season yet, perhaps then you’ll know why Jen and Erica seem so… tired. A constant quest of the show is to find a way to drink the more savory liquors without just masking them in a Bloody Mary. In this episode, Jen is concocting something she calls a Loaded Baked Potato, using both Bakon (ep29) and Naked Jay Big Dill pickle (ep42) vodkas.
It’s the end of Season 7, but we’ll be back next week right on schedule with the start of Season 8. Season 8 will feature episodes filmed during our live appearances at Chicago Sketch Fest and at Watershed back in January.
Drunk Monkeys - Episode 52 - Cocktail Time - The Dillinger.
In a Twitter conversation, Naked Jay Vodka suggested combining their Naked Jay Bill Dill pickle vodka (which you may remember from episode 42) with ginger ale for a drink they call the Dillinger. (Get it?) Jen and Erica give it a try.

Drunk Monkeys - Episode 51 - ZU Bison Grass Vodka.
Jen and Erica are drinking ZU (short for Å»ubrówka) Vodka, a bison grass flavored vodka from Poland. It’s a fascinating story of how the liquor was banned from import into the US and how ZU worked around it.
Drunk Monkeys - Episode 46 - Kinky Liqueur.
The sale of half-pint and miniature bottles of liquor is illegal in Chicago and so we took advantage of a trip to the suburbs to get some “sample size” bottles. Kinky Liqueur, a mango, blood orange, and passion fruit infused vodka, is the first of those that Jen and Erica are trying.