Results matching “vodka”

Drunk Monkeys - Episode 53 - Cocktail Time - Loaded Baked Potato.

What we call a “season” of this show is filmed all in one night and just released as separate episodes. So if I say that this is the last episode of Season 7, our longest season yet, perhaps then you’ll know why Jen and Erica seem so… tired. A constant quest of the show is to find a way to drink the more savory liquors without just masking them in a Bloody Mary. In this episode, Jen is concocting something she calls a Loaded Baked Potato, using both Bakon (ep29) and Naked Jay Big Dill pickle (ep42) vodkas.

It’s the end of Season 7, but we’ll be back next week right on schedule with the start of Season 8. Season 8 will feature episodes filmed during our live appearances at Chicago Sketch Fest and at Watershed back in January.