Results matching “chicago”

Drunk Monkeys - Episode 62 - Fire in De Hole Erotic Rum.

A friend of the show gave us (well, actually, loaned - she wants the bottle back) this bottle of rum that seems to be largely targeted at tourists in the Bahamas. Which is what she was when she bought it. Will it transport Jen and Erica to a tropical wonderland?

Don’t forget, if you’re in Chicago tonight you can see a live taping of the show at the Chicago Women’s Funny Festival at 11 pm, Stage 773, 1225 W Belmont Ave Chicago, IL. Tickets are still available.

And this week Jen and Erica were interviewed by Monique Madrid for the website Serial Optimist. She made her own video in a location you might recognize.

Episode 60 - Risky? Whisky (Part 3)

Drunk Monkeys - Episode 60 - Risky Whisky (Part 3)

Jen and Erica start off Season 9 of the show by revisiting an old friend, the age-your-own-bourbon kit Risky? Whisky. They started aging it eight months ago in Episode 39 and checked in on after four months in Episode 47. Now they’re ready to remove the wood chips and water it down to drinkable levels of alcohol.

And don’t forget that we have a live show coming up in just a few weeks. Drunk Monkeys had a Group Spotlight this week on the CWFF website, promoting our spot in the festival. Musical group Sad Banana will be performing in the same slot.

Drunk Monkeys at the Chicago Women’s Funny Festival
Friday, June 7th, 11pm
Stage 773, 1225 W. Belmont, Chicago

Drunk Monkeys - Episode 57 - Dr. McGillicuddy’s Apple Pie Liqueur.

It’s the last episode from our live appearance at the 2013 Chicago Sketch Fest at Stage 773, but not the last episode of Season 8—next week we start some shows filmed live at Watershed, one of our favorite bars in Chicago. But this week, Jen and Erica finish off the fest by trying some tiny bottles of Dr. McGillicuddy’s Intense Apple Pie Liqueur.

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Drunk Monkeys - Episode 53 - Cocktail Time - Loaded Baked Potato.

What we call a “season” of this show is filmed all in one night and just released as separate episodes. So if I say that this is the last episode of Season 7, our longest season yet, perhaps then you’ll know why Jen and Erica seem so… tired. A constant quest of the show is to find a way to drink the more savory liquors without just masking them in a Bloody Mary. In this episode, Jen is concocting something she calls a Loaded Baked Potato, using both Bakon (ep29) and Naked Jay Big Dill pickle (ep42) vodkas.

It’s the end of Season 7, but we’ll be back next week right on schedule with the start of Season 8. Season 8 will feature episodes filmed during our live appearances at Chicago Sketch Fest and at Watershed back in January.