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June 2013 Archives

June 14, 2013

LOL Theater 5th Anniversary

The Laugh Out Loud theater in Schaumburg, IL is celebrating their 5th Anniversary with a weekend of Alumni shows and as one of the original cast (I was actually a hold-over from the earlier Chicago Comedy Company in the same location) I’ll be performing in the Friday, 7:30 “family-friendly” show. Tickets are just $5.

Laugh Out Loud Theater
601 N. Martingale Road
Streets of Woodfield, Suite 171
Schaumburg, IL

About June 2013

Fuzzy Gerdes

This page contains all of Fuzzy Gerdes' performances from June 2013. They are listed from oldest to newest.

April 2013 is the previous archive.

September 2013 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.