20x2 On Tour
Erica and I will be performing two minutes on the question “What are you waiting for?” at this innovative speaking series. Tickets are just $10.
Upstairs “speakeasy” in the Virgin Hotel
203 N Wabash Ave
Chicago, IL 60601
« May 2017 | Main | October 2017 »
Erica and I will be performing two minutes on the question “What are you waiting for?” at this innovative speaking series. Tickets are just $10.
Upstairs “speakeasy” in the Virgin Hotel
203 N Wabash Ave
Chicago, IL 60601
This page contains all of Fuzzy Gerdes' performances from July 2017. They are listed from oldest to newest.
May 2017 is the previous archive.
October 2017 is the next archive.
Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.