
We're done!

We survived an 8 week run of Neutrino Project 30,000 at the 3 Penny Cinema. This last show was not devoid of the sort of last-minute crises that have plagued this production -- two weeks ago our tape deck had a severe conflict with Andy Eninger's camera such that the image was very jittery and there was no sound and last week the iBook that I use to do the credits and inter-tape animations had a fatal harddrive crash an hour before the show -- Ben Taylor called me a few hours before the show and said he was too sick to come to the show. Not insurmountable -- we've done the show without a musician plenty of times. It just falls into the category of "one more thing." Fortunately, Todd, the other half of the Cinema 2.0 band, was able to fill-in with his acoustic guitar and Casio Rap-man.

Giant thanks to the 41(!) people who helped out with the show during this run.

Now I just get to archive all the shows for the cast and crew.