Icemakers of the Revolution

And speaking of the West Lafayette, Indiana band the Icemakers of the Revolution, with the permission of band member Stephen John Hartnett, here are their second and third three albums*:

Icemakers of the Revolution - Door #3 (55.7 MB zip file)

  1. Door #3 (0:41)
  2. Food Not Finance (3:37)
  3. Backpack (3:22)
  4. Her Fault (3:49)
  5. Your Scenes (3:08)
  6. Don't Touch Me (1:47)
  7. Thugs (3:06)
  8. Dying Alive (4:01)
  9. Foucault (3:48)
  10. Civil War (0:49)
  11. Trees (5:04)
  12. Celebate Sinners (3:12)
  13. Fat Lady (4:19)

Icemakers of the Revolution - Number of Days

Icemakers of the Revolution - Number of Days (83.7 MB zip file)

  1. Upset With The Set-Up (4:32)
  2. One-By-One (4:13)
  3. Lost At Home (5:05)
  4. Panama (3:33)
  5. Hindsight (4:50)
  6. Prose Of Fact (4:20)
  7. Forgive (6:18)
  8. Carnivores (3:02)
  9. Not Satisfied (4:58)
  10. 10th Street (4:36)
  11. Growthrough (3:41)

Icemakers of the Revolution - Fisheye Frenzy

Icemakers of the Revolution - Fisheye Frenzy (96.5 MB zip file)

  1. Levee Coin-Op (3:16)
  2. Jon's Pickup (4:34)
  3. Odd Fellows/Birmingham (4:51)
  4. Odd Fellows/Birmingham (4:19)
  5. Walt (6:30)
  6. No Jack (5:50)
  7. Old Insulation (6:37)
  8. Wild Revolution (4:47)
  9. Where I Stand (4:43)
  10. Secrets (3:02)
  11. Dancin' While You Drive (3:56)

* I'd have to buy a cassette player to digitize the first one I have an imperfect setup for digitizing cassettes (the only format Door #3 was released in), but it works.