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Jackass - Number Two

We had some friends over last night specifically to watch Jackass - Number Two. It was the first time for them, but the 5th and 3rd times, respecively, for Erica and I. Jackass is such a specialized (which is to say, sophomoric) taste that I'm not sure what to say about this other than if you're a Jackass fan already, you'll love it. If you're not, you'll hate it. I could try to persuade you of its worth with lots of handwaving about 'transgressive humor' and so on, and then Steve-O would throw up or somebody would poop or something and you'd be grossed out and I couldn't blame you at all.


This blog chronicles, in nigh-obsessive detail, the books I've read, the video games I've played, and the movies and TV I've watched. It's part of the larger FuzzyCo empire, where you can find out way too much about my life and work.

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 30, 2007 2:25 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Crank.

The next post in this blog is The Mysterious Benedict Society.

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