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FuzzyCo Contest

notes on TV

First person* who can guess why I had pieces of paper taped to the TV wins a DVD of Akira Kurosawa's Throne of Blood (his adaptation of Macbeth). Click the picture to view it larger at Flickr. Leave your guesses in the comments.

* Other than Erica, who was there helping.

Update: It's been sussed out. Rather quickly. But feel to make a ridiculous guess before you read the comments and then share your suppositions.



You were trying to beat that hard stone guy

I thought that might be a bit trickier.

You are correct, sir. I'll bring your DVD to DSTW.

It would have been hard, if i hadn't had to come up with a similar scenario to help my roommate beat it.

You have to explain what this means.

Iused dry erase markers. That was probably one of the most frustrating parts of this awesome awesome video game.


In the video game Okami there's a recurring challenge to defeat a talking wall named Blockhead. You break him up by repeating a set of random 'weak points' that he reveals. The first few Blockheads reveal 3, 4 and 5 weak points. Blockhead Grande reveals 8, rather quickly. We taped these pieces of paper on the screen, then Erica would call out the points and I would write them down.

That reminds me. According to Dan that video game he sent you is really hard on the first level. Something about hitting the crack on your consul to get a atomic missile.

You were playing Deal or No Deal against the contestant?

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 14, 2007 10:50 AM.

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