Dan and Vicky are on their honeymoon in New York right now and sent out an email this morning suggesting that we Tivo Conan O'Brien tonight as they would be in the front row of the audience. We're watching the show right now and they haven't done a pan of audience, so we haven't seen them, but we've heard Dan's distinctive guffhaw several times. Ha-ha-haw!
So yeah, you might be able to see us after the like, 2nd (?) commercial break. We're three rows above the band, near the wall aisle. Vicky's in black and I'm in a green cardigan.
I laughed a lot. I've never heard of those legendary people who covered the Dylan song, but Seth Green and Andy Serkis are aces in my book.
Posted by: Dan Telfer
January 5, 2006 1:23 PM