I don't blog about work, but this one is pretty trade-secret-free, I think.
Advantages of my new cubicle:
* Convenient to the bathrooms
* Convenient to a coffee machine
* Convenient to the water fountain
* Convenient to the elevator
* I'm trying out using an exercise ball as my office chair1
Disadvantages of my new cubicle:
* Convenient to a coffee machine2
* Totally away from the windows. If I stand up and squint I can see a square of daylight off in the distance.
* Smaller than the old cubicle. But I did a pretty good job of sorting in the move. Of course, no matter how small or organized of a move you're making, the last box always contains completely random stuff that really should be thrown away. I'm still going through that box.
* Actually near other people. I've been pretty lucky over the last few years that I haven't had any near office neighbors, so I could play my music pretty loud and so on. We'll see how this works out.
* Zero cell phone reception.
1. This has nothing to do with which cube I'm in, but I thought the move was a good time to leave the chair behind and try this thing out. 2. The office coffee is terrible. This is true no matter where I sit in the office.
I just remembered what your office's coffee tasted like. Gah.
I used to have to clean that ancient iron beast of a machine because nobody else would.
Posted by: Dan Telfer | August 5, 2008 5:57 PM
I think I've figured out that they use used copier toner to make the coffee. Hey, at least they recycle.
Posted by: Fuzzy Gerdes
August 5, 2008 10:31 PM
Too bad about the loss of a window. As I remember it, you had a pretty good view. Course, that could be distracting...
Posted by: kerianne | August 7, 2008 2:22 PM
That view is probably one of the best of all the friends of mine who have or have previously had offices with windows that faced out over the lake.
PROBABLY. one. ONE of. the best.
Posted by: NoahGinex
August 7, 2008 11:29 PM