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Book #37: A More Perfect Union

Hana Schank's A More Perfect Union: How I Survived the Happiest Day of My Life was recommended on some blog or another (I forget) and I decided that a quick read about someone else's wedding problems was just what I needed six weeks out from my own.

I really connected with Ms. Schank at the beginning of the book, as she sets out to have a wedding that's not "different" (e.g. the hot air balloon wedding or the oft-maligned Klingon wedding) but isn't necessarily the same as every other wedding, either -- because that's the path we're trying to tread as well. As the book went on, I became a little frustrated that she seemed to do an awful lot of research about how arbitrary most wedding customs are* only to turn around and acquiesce to many of those traditions. But then, I'm a little hesitant to criticize since a) she's a real person and not a character and b) I'm sure it would be a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Hana Schank will be in town this week, at The Midwestern Ladies Auxiliary Love Revue, June 22, 7-9 at The Hideout (1354 W Wabansia). FuzzyCo friend and work-neighbor Claire Zulkey hosts. It's at the same time as our Chicago Metblogs 2nd Birthday Party, which is a shame because Emily Flake and Wendy McClure will also be there.

* Ask for my All Our Traditions Were Invented by the Victorians(tm) Rant next time we're at a bar.


Because I see you so rarely (boo to that!), can I request the rant via blog?

I don't know -- by the time I have the buzz going to really get the rant flowing, I don't type so well.

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