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Book #50: Sacred Clowns

While we were down in Santa Fe, it was a bit hard to avoid Tony Hillerman books. Even places that didn't sell books had racks of his Southwest-based mystery novels near the cash register. I waited until I got back to Chicago, but I picked up a copy of Sacred Clowns and plowed through it in a few days. It's another story of his two Navajo Tribal Policemen, Joe Leaphorn and Jim Chee, investigating the murder of a koshare, the sacred clown of the title.

But hey, it was book 50! I did it, I met my self-imposed goal. So, yay. Of course, it was all a little tainted when I found out that Leo Allen was gunning for 100 this year. I had thoughts of upping my ante and changing my goal, but I'm trying really hard to quell that thought, stop comparing myself to others, and just get on with my life. I mean, I'm not going to stop reading books this year, but I think I'm going to stop counting.

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