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The only bad thing about Farthing was that our narrator, Lucy Kahn, was such an engaging character that I was quite terrified of anything bad happening to her. And there's definitely the hint that something unpleasant may be waiting in the wings. Farthing is much like a classic British country-house murder mystery, except that it's set in an alternate 1949 where Hitler has Europe and Britain. And someone wants to pin a murder on Lucy's Jewish husband, if the Star of David pinned to the victim's chest with a dagger is any indication.

Engaging, engrossing, exciting, terrifying. A wonderful, wonderful book.

FuzzyCo grade: A+

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 16, 2008 7:30 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Silly Funny Goof Gang - Dry Paint.

The next post in this blog is Updated Icemakers.

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