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Making Money

Making Money by Terry Pratchett

I'm a huge fan of Pratchett's Discworld books, but I have to say that this is not the best of the bunch. Maybe it's that the main character, Going Postal's Moist von Lipwig, is a thoroughly reformed scallywag. In Postal we all knew that he was going to realize that he had a heart of gold and do the right thing, but it was fun watching him discover it. And the plot is clever enough, but maybe just a bit too clever, with too many of its gears exposed. It's not bad -- I LLOLed* a few times -- but I've read better from Pratchett.

* It's well documented that LOL, originally "Laugh(ed) Out Loud", has become completely devalued. So I'm introducing LLOL -- Literally** Laughed Out Loud.
** Of course, since literally is also already devalued from its original meaning, I may be fighting a losing battle here.


I suppose that you could always opt to type "laughed aloud" or "chuckled" or "giggled" or "passed gas" instead. But insofar as I like any of those abbreviations, LLOLed is as good as they come.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 16, 2007 12:39 AM.

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