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The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao

I talk a lot about expectations and how that colors my enjoyment of media. And I guess I don't have a point about that except to say that, yeah, I do that and I'm going to keep doing it. For example, I had somewhere mis-read a review of The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao and had the idea that it was about a Chinese-American kid who commits suicide or something. I was, in fact, completely wrong. The book is about a Dominican-American youth (who, yes, dies by the end of the book), and his family, and the history of the Dominican Republic. That sentence maybe makes it sound a little dry, a little ordinary. This is quite an extraordinary book. There's a lot of Spanish in the book, for instance, about a tenth of which I understand, but that was OK because it's written so well that I just kind of let it wash over me and carry me along. There's also a lot of nerdiness in the book, which might be the part that you don't understand, but man it spoke to me.

FuzzyCo grade: A+

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