366 Cartoons - 029 - Cynical Seagull

366 Cartoons - 029 - Cynical Seagull

This is the first one where I was really just staring at a blank page and thinking 'oh crap, I can't go to bed until I draw something.' And really, knowing myself, I think 29 days into this sort of project is not that bad to hit that wall. And hopefully that's just tonight -- we were at a crazy Dada-esque concert tonight (and c'mon Fulcrum Point -- Flash? I'd like to be able to actually link your information about the concert, but nooooo) and then we gave everyone rides home and someone forgot their bag in our car so we had to drive back down to Montrose and wah wah am I still talking?

Also, Erica reminded me as I was scanning this in that I got "What's cool? Nothing. Nothing is cool." from her and Christopher and that they got it from Ron Cameron's classic skateboard design. So, this is very left-handed homage. Am I still up?

Update: Ron Cameron has a Zazzle store. You can get a "Nothing is Cool" coffee mug! A postage stamp!