I've been on a massive roadtrip with Erica for the last week and a half, so I've been drawing my daily cartoons but haven't had a scanner nor steady internet to post them. So here's a catch-up.
Erica is actually a lot more supportive than Schmerica about me getting one of these done each day. And Erica wrote a couple of new jingles for the above-pictured hotel.
As soon as we get just a hair south of Chicago, boom, Waffle Houses everywhere. There were two in a mile in Biloxi.
I hope you can tell that that's a shared air line, since that's kinda the crux of the joke.
For this one, I actually did some photo research, as opposed to the from-memory look the day before.
I'm not sure this one makes any sense.
The Change Raise scam.
We got to meet Christopher and Katie's bees. Pictures soon.
Oh, good. One hundred cartoons is a nice milestone, so I'm glad it was a really good one that day.
This is just what it was like, walking around Washington, DC.
If you can't read any of those, click on the cartoon to go to Flickr and you should have the "all sizes" button and then you can embiggen it. Sorry to make you do the work -- it's late.
In the Schmolumbia comic, I think you might have hijacked Schmisco's getting-kicked-out-of-the-D&D-group tragedy... or did that really happen to Schmuzzy, too?
Posted by: Discovery G.
May 19, 2009 3:49 PM