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Old Navy

I was at the Old Navy on State Street yesterday—Erica had alerted me that the post-Holiday clearance was in full swing. I went over after work and went up to the second floor and kind of went crazy. Western Shirts for $15! Clearance flannel shirts for $4.50 or so! After I'd been there a while, a store employee was walking around the second floor and said that the store was closing. I hadn't realized I had been there so long. When I went downstairs to pay, there was a bunch of conversation going on and my checkout clerk seemed visibly shaken. "Did something just happen?" I asked. "Somebody just tried to rob the store. That's why we're closing and why all those cops are in the store."

Ooooohh… look over there, cops!

Pepper spray used in downtown store robbery attempt
William Lee
January 11, 2011 9:26 PM
One of three men pepper sprayed at least three patrons at downtown's Old Navy store in an apparent attempted robbery, Chicago police said.

The three would-be robbers fled the store at 35 N. State St. without taking anything, authorities said. Police at the Central police district confirmed that the incident occurred at the Old Navy store.

At about 7 p.m., the three men, described as being between 18 and 21, entered the store and attempted to rob several patrons, police spokesman Veejay Zala said. One of the three men then sprayed three patrons and all three men ran from the store.

No arrests were made Tuesday night. It was not immediately clear whether store cameras captured images of the men.

I guess I was lucky I got so wrapped up in khakis vs. cords.

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