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Tonight at 9:40, surrounded by his loving family, David Reid passed away. Memorial details when I have them.

It's been a long, long day. It's been a long 3 and a half years. Dammit.

I've got cuter pictures of David, but I picked this one because it's what I'm going to miss the most, I think. David loved music and an evening at the Reid house often went late because David always kept thinking of another song you really should hear.

No, that's a lie. (This is a few hours later.) There's tons I'm going to miss.



My thoughts and prayers are with you and Erica's family.

So glad you could be down there buddy. Much love to you and your awesome family.

So sorry to hear about this. I'm thinking of you guys.

I'm really sorry to hear about David's passing. My thoughts and condolences are with you and the Reid family.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 2, 2007 10:17 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Remember Duane Allman, followups.

The next post in this blog is Services for David.

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