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Bacon Strip Pancakes

So this picture made the internet rounds a few weeks ago, an old Rath Bacon/Aunt Jemima cross-promotion ad (seemly first posted here) and I forwarded it to Erica with a reflexive "want!"

Bacon Strip Pancakes

But this last weekend I realized that unlike a lot of bacon extravagances, bacon strip pancakes are pretty achievable. And achieve them I did. Now, my bacon didn't lay quite as flat, nor was my homemade pancake batter quite as smooth as the ad:

Bacon Strip Pancakes

And here they are as part of a complete breakfast:

Bacon Strip Pancakes


No...freaking...way! Thats it, that is amazing. I'm gobsmacked. Smacked in the gob. I haven't had bacon for ages but I may need to crank some of these out just so I can say I've done it. How were they!?

They were OK. I was coincidentally in a "why measure so carefully - it's just pancakes" mood, so the pancakes ended up a bit fluffier than maybe I would usually make. Which meant the bacon was a little lost in the middle. But that could be adjusted.

No...freaking...way! Thats it, that is amazing. I'm gobsmacked. Smacked in the gob. I haven't had bacon for ages but I may need to crank some of these out just so I can say I've done it. How were they!?

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