I have just made a small update to Onomatopoetically.com which allows the audio clips there to be easily played on iPhones and iPads. Because, you know, that's what's kept us from posting over there for two years.
« Slightly-Hunched-Over Up | Main | Fusi Gerdes »
I have just made a small update to Onomatopoetically.com which allows the audio clips there to be easily played on iPhones and iPads. Because, you know, that's what's kept us from posting over there for two years.
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 19, 2011 5:33 PM.
The previous post in this blog was Slightly-Hunched-Over Up.
The next post in this blog is Fusi Gerdes.
Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.